It is but natural for men to have hair growth on the chest area, but for women to experience such a condition is stressful and disturbing. Chest hair in women is quite uncommon, thus making women who suffer from it to lose their self-esteem and confidence, especially when dressing up for occasions and special events. Chest hair growth among women has made it even impossible for them to participate in sports and outdoor activities.

Women would usually choose traditional hair removal solutions like tweezing, waxing, shaving, and even the application of depilatory creams. Although all these solutions are temporarily effective in getting rid of unwanted hair, these methods cause a great deal of pain to women as well. Traditional hair removal options are known to cause more problems for women since chest hairs still grow back in the end. What’s worse is the fact that hair re-growth are thicker, denser, and bushier than ever. In rare cases, well-known hair removal solutions cause irritation and redness that result in skin complications.

Chest laser hair removal removes unwanted chest hair in women at a quicker rate. During chest laser hair removal, topical numbing creams and anesthetics alleviate the discomfort during the procedure. A typical chest laser hair removal treatment for a female patient will last for three to six appointments. Once the treatment is done, the desirable results will last for months on end. Maintenance and follow up visit once or twice a year is recommended to ensure that hair growth reduction was achieved.

Although chest laser hair removal for women does not eliminate the possibility of hair re-growth, clients are advised to make follow up appointments when noticeable hair growth is present.  If hair growth is still apparent, it is important to check up on a specialist to assess of the reasons for hair growth is hormonal, that which is unavoidable regardless of extensive laser treatment procedures.

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