We focus on results.

Through Gentle Touch’s customized laser hair removal treatment programs it is now possible to safely and quickly obtain the beauty of smooth, silky, hair free skin and make stubble a thing of the past. Almost everyone has unwanted body hair that they have spent hours treating with traditional removal techniques that can be tedious, painful, and expensive over time and none of the these treatments last forever.
At Gentle Touch, with our FDA-approved lasers, our goal is to provide the most technologically advanced hair removal techniques tailored to each client’s skin and hair type delivering the most effective treatment available – and therein lies the Gentle Touch of laser hair removal.
Cynosure Apogee Elite
The Cynosure Apogee Elite contains two laser systems — A 755 nm Alexandrite laser hair removal for lighter skin tones and for hyperpigmentation. And a high powered 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser ideal for the darker skin tones. These are the most optimal wavelengths for: Hair removal / Improvement of leg veins / Laser facials / Skin Rejuvenation / Wrinkle reduction / Hyperpigmentation / Nail fungus

Each hair on the human body is in one of three growth stages at any given time: active (anagen) phase, regressive (categen) phase, or resting (telogen) phase. The laser is most effective at disabling actively growing follicles during the anagen stage. At this stage the hair shaft contains the greatest abundance of melanin, the main target of the laser to disable the follicle.
Not all follicles are in the active stage at the same time but could be in their resting or regressive stage; this is why each and every client needs to repeat treatments in order to disable the active hair follicle for permanent reduction. The length of the growth cycles also vary by each body part, this is the importance of having a customized laser hair removal treatment to obtain optimal results.

• Unwanted hair from all areas of your body
• No more waxing, tweezing, or shaving
• Non-surgical procedure
• Safe & Effective
Through Gentle Touch’s customized laser hair removal treatment programs it is now possible to safely and quickly obtain the beauty of smooth, silky, hair free skin and make stubble a thing of the past. Almost everyone has unwanted body hair that they have spent hours treating with traditional removal techniques that can be tedious, painful, and expensive over time and none of the these treatments last forever.
How does a Laser Hair Removal treatment work?
Laser Hair Removal is a faster, gentler way to remove unwanted hair than most other methods available. Laser Hair Removal applies precisely controlled pulses of energy targeting the hair follicles that lie beneath the skin. The laser energy heats the hair follicle all the way down to the root, destroying it without damaging surrounding tissue or skin.
1. Laser Institute Trained Technicians.
At Gentle Touch, we offer a gentle, non-invasive and long-lasting solution to unwanted hair on your body.
2. We Invest in Top of the Line Lasers.
We use state-of-the-art FDA approved laser equipment for all skin types, with maximum efficacy and safety in the removal of unwanted hair.
3. Customized Treatments Deliver Results.
Our highly skilled and certified technicians will customize treatments for your personal needs. Our goal is your goal!
Imagine never having to Shave, Tweez or Wax ever again!
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