Permanently removing hair in the happy trail is made possible through navel laser hair removal procedure. There are men who prefer to have a smooth and hairless abdominal area. The hair problem of most men can be found in the lower abdominal area. It is quite normal for men to have hair growth where the belly button is located. The quality of hair in this region is thick, dense, and coarse. Although it is not instantly visible from public view, men prefer to remove them primarily for aesthetic reasons.

Finding a laser hair removal center can be hard for first timers. If you are completely clueless about hair removal through the use of laser technology, here are useful facts that will guide you in deciding whether navel laser hair removal is best for you:

  • Men who want to have their happy trail remove will be required to undergo six to eight sessions that are appropriately spaced four to six weeks apart.
  • Since men are known to have continuous supply of testosterone, the growth of hair in the navel area may be faster than those of females. The spacing between sessions may need to be shortened to two to three weeks or until hair starts to re-grow in the belly button area.
  • Prior to hair removal, report if you have low tolerance to pain so that our laser technician can apply a numbing agent in and around the navel area.

Navel laser hair removal is proven to be absolutely safe and carry no side effects. Why endure physical torture, discomfort, and pain when removing your happy trail when you can have it done pain free with laser hair removal therapy.

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