Although it is generally acceptable for men to have hair growth in and around the nipple area, a lot of men who suffer from excessive hair growth are uncomfortable with them. There are also male individuals who feel embarrassed with hair on their areolas. In these cases, men find the need to undergo areola laser hair removal procedure.

There are men who feel awkward when the hair on their areola become visible through their tops. Some may find it manly, but there are those who feel awkward when this happens. There are men who deal with hairs on the areola the conventional way and pluck the hairs one by one. Plucking is a viable solution, but if you are to pluck every single strand, it is rather impractical and time consuming. In addition, plucking may result in darker and thicker hair re-growth. The problem obviously becomes worse than ever.

Some men with hair on the areola region would try out trimming their hairs instead. This is the quickest way to remove hair, and a lot of men usually do this for the sake of convenience. But again, this traditional hair removal method has its drawbacks. Hair on the areola seems to grow back faster when men trim them, thus making it a less effective option for hair removal.

In order to prevent adverse reactions and undesirable side effects like sebaceous cyst formation, men are advised to try out laser hair removal treatment. It is the safest hair removal solution being offered not only to men but to women as well. You can now get rid of embarrassing hair in the areola after a few sessions.

During an areola laser hair removal session, our laser technician would apply topical numbing cream on top of the areola. The nipple area is a highly sensitive area and can feel a great deal of pain compared to other body regions. Topical numbing creams also help our clients to get through the procedure with minor complaints and discomfort.

When this procedure is performed by our highly-skilled laser technician, your hair problems in the areola area will permanently leave you alone for good after only a few sessions!

Call us today and we’ll schedule you in for a free consultation! [continue]