For many women, having hair around the nipple area is extremely uncomfortable and embarrassing, which is why they need to undergo areola laser hair removal treatment.  Although it is perfectly normal to have hair on the areola because of the presence of follicles, some may feel awkward with the hairs especially if it is visible with the naked eye.  Understandably, this type of condition is not as rough on men as it is on women.

It is important to understand that when dealing with hairs on the areola, conventional hair removal methods like plucking will never work.  In fact, resorting to this technique may only make matters worse because of the tendency of the hair to become thicker and darker aside from the possibility of ingrown under the skin, which can result in scarring.  Trimming would be ideal, but can be dangerous and repetitive because the hair can grow back significantly faster.

Unless you want to take your chances with developing sebaceous cyst because of the hair follicles being obstructed or getting infected, then you should seriously consider areola laser hair removal treatment as a viable option.  It is common for women to wonder if laser hair removal on the areola is a safe option for them.  The reality is that laser hair removal is an excellent solution because it can get rid of the problematic hairs in just a few sessions.

Our qualified and experienced laser technicians would treat the area with topical numbing creams before beginning the procedure because of the sensitivity of the area.  Doing this makes the laser hair removable less uncomfortable for our patients.  There is no question that the area can be prone to some scattered hair, but this will not prevent outstanding results from being achieved.

The important thing to remember is that as long as the hair retains its pigment, it can be adequately treated with laser hair removal.  For women, do not discount the possibility of having excessive hair growing similar to male hair patterns also known as hirsutism.  Unless the unwanted hair is associated with some type of hormonal problem, areola laser hair removal treatment will be able to deal with it accordingly.

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